Archive for Arnold Schwarzenegger

Californian kids escape gaming restrictions

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on October 15, 2009 by lauracrawford


The US Supreme Court has effectively ended a push by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger  to ban violent video game sales to minors. Responsible parenting is important and limiting children’s exposure to age appropriate media is a wise move but there is obviously a certain level of irony attached to this bill. The person who starred in one of the most violent character franchises of the last century and who revolutionized the action hero, is now pushing for limitations on media violence. Perhaps there’s a touch of the cynic about me but if this wasn’t a prime example of political rhetoric and a play for the the emotive vote, then all the main characters in Terminator 2 went on to live wholesome and fulfilling lives post-production.

For the record, District Judge Ronald Whyte stated that “the evidence does not establish that video games, because of their interactive nature or otherwise, are any more harmful than violent television, movies, internet sites or other speech-related exposures.”. Whether or not this is fact has not actually been established either way. Besides, I just wanted to focus on the Arnie bit…